
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Waist high shorts.

im just very amazed at how fashion seem to recycle itself , i still can remember the period whereby " the lower your pants or shorts " the cooler you are . If you wore your pants / skirt way up high , you'll be labelled a dork or a geek. then there was the hipster jeans period , that your jeans / skirt / shorts had to be dangling or resting on your hips . anyway , high waisted shorts is trending now but not for long though .

how to wear or pull of high waisted shorts ( anyone can pull it off but its how you wear it )

1) crop top please . crop top should only be worn w high waisted jeans , shorts , skirt .
2) either that tuck in your long blouse , shirt , whatever. ( if not no one will ever know that the shorts you're wearing are high waisted )
3)that your ass isn't showing . make sure it covers your butt please.
4) point to take note : dont get one with so many buttons on it , i had one black topshop highwaisted , it had 7 buttons , and when nature calls , you'll be doom for . unless you have super speed fingers. then be my guest (:

one of my highwaisted shorts , i happily bought it from the salvation army @ $20 . 
its not that cheap cuz it was previously a pair of vintage high waisted jeans from Espirit . 

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